Finances God’s Way Seminar Series

We are so excited to announce our upcoming Finances God’s Way Seminar Series.

This will be a 4-part series where we will unpack what God says about money and equip you to faithfully live out God’s plan and purpose for every area of your life, including your finances.

Each part builds on the previous session, so plan to attend all four. Space is limited so register today!

We desire to see you faithfully living out God’s plan in every area of your life, including finances, and leaving a legacy that has eternal impact and ROI.

We deeply desire to equip you to faithfully apply God’s financial principles so you may know Christ more intimately, be free to serve Him and experience the joy and peace that only comes from totally submitting to the Lordship of Christ.

Christ-Centered, Prayer Driven, Holy Spirit-Led, Bible-Based and Discipleship Focused.

Finances God’s Way Seminar Series

Session 1
The Foundation: God’s Way vs the World’s Way 
Saturday, November 2 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Session 2 
Practical Application: Counsel, Debt & Saving
Saturday, November 9 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Session 3
Practical Application: Generosity & Investing
Saturday, November 16 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Session 4
Eternity & Finishing Well
Saturday, November 23 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

The Chapel at Heartland Church
14900 126th Street
Fishers, Indiana 46037

$50 per participant

Additional Details

We desire to see you faithfully living out God’s plan in every area of your life, including finances, and leaving a legacy that has eternal impact and ROI.

We deeply desire to equip you to faithfully apply God’s financial principles so you may know Christ more intimately, be free to serve Him and experience the joy and peace that only comes from totally submitting to the Lordship of Christ.

Christ-Centered, Prayer Driven, Holy Spirit-Led, Bible-Based and Discipleship Focused.

Session Descriptions

Session 1 – Saturday, November 2nd, 10am-12pm                                                                                     
Explore God’s plan for our finances, contrasted sharply with the world’s plan, and the ramifications of each path.  We will learn about what Ron Blue calls the 8th Wonder of the World, Compounding Interest, and how it is a fact of life; either working for you or against you.  We will begin creating a Personal Financial Statement and Actual Spending Worksheet that will help us determine a baseline for our current financial condition, so that we can accurately begin working to align our financial plan with God’s Word.

Session 2 – Saturday, November 9th, 10am-12pm                                                                        
Dive deeper into our current state of personal finances by looking at our Spending Habits and Behaviors, begin creating a Budget, learn about attacking Debt using the Debt Snowball, Credit Scores, Insurance and much more.

Session 3 – Saturday, November 16th, 10am-12pm                                                                   
We will continue to work on our Budgets, attacking Debt using the Debt Snowball, and how to keep score on our overall financial health by using a Financial Statement to monitor Assets, Liabilities and overall Net Worth.

Session 4 – Saturday, November 23rd, 10am-12pm                                                                              
We will recap everything learned and practiced in Sessions 1-3, answer questions and explore How to Handle Financial Crisis, Finances and Eternity and How to Finish Well.